Sunset in Sempronius tonight glittery snow
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 27th 2017
Community Art's Challenge hosted by the Cultural Council of Cortland County
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Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 24th 2017
Winter has returned with ice and snow and amazing transformations to the tree's thought the cycling from thaw to freeze in January is disturbing.
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 22nd 2017
Two days of anomalous high temperatures and almost all the snow has gone. Taken on New Road Sempronius.
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 21st 2017
Oh we had some blue skies show up today finally! Very strange parallel clouds observed on my way to Moravia today.....looked amazing.
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 20th 2017
Getting the canvasses ready for the Shops at Ithaca Mall for February..... this is the interactive permanent canvas for drawing with light on..... :D 48 x 30 inches
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 19th 2017
Hathaway Road at the top of the hill - cornfields and trees in the snow and mist.
Deepdreamed version
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 18th 2017
Today was an exceptionally misty day here in Sempronius. Raining and misty all day - a peek into the landscape.
Same image *deepdreamed*
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 17th 2017
Daily routine at our place is to look after the chickens which is a little more human intensive during winter months. They are still free range during the day if they choose to be but can get dry and warm inside - this is them being locked up for the night with a heat lamp hence the moody red glow.
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 16th 2017
Today was a fun and rewarding day in the studio working on the next piece from the Extinction Series. Still a work in progress.... but it grows.
It doesn't have a name yet but the elements are fusing - so far tree of life bearing fruit- love and also the tree is connected to the fungi represented around the roots protecting it and connecting it to the whole of the biosphere......
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 15th 2017
Working in the art studio today -painting and prepping for upcoming work..... day and night photographed.
Redreaming Mote
Redreaming Mote

Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 11th 2017
Most evenings i snuggle into bed with my book and read until i am ready to sleep.... it is a habit i have had for most of my life. Most of my life i have also had cats.... but this one in particular Artex has a particular issue with me reading and has many clever tricks to get between me and my book. It is a nightly ritual of what amounts to competition for attention and it is very funny. Definitely slows down the reading with the feline distractions.
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 8th 2017
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 5th 2017
Every time I drive past this old barn the roof get's closer to falling in and the decay and lack of use is palpable and very sad. So much history and survival in hard times echo from the timbers.
I would love to see this old relic get's some love and new life...... but like so many historical buildings ours is not a culture that tries to repair and renovate and restore but to abandon or to demolish these more pastoral barns.
I wish I could hear the stories they tell and that the timbers could talk.

Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 3rd 2017
In a corner of my studio the last few hectic weeks is on display..... no rhyme or reason but a pathway is visible of what i have been doing and a visual narrative of my thinking and doing., Can you read the story?
***Gather and hoard your inspirations as you live, then recapture them as needed in the studio. Nita Engle
***Gather and hoard your inspirations as you live, then recapture them as needed in the studio. Nita Engle

Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. January 2nd 2017
If the eye is the window into the soul, the pupil is—quite literally—an opening into the eye. The pupil acts like the aperture on a camera, dilating or contracting to regulate the amount of light coming into the eye. We all know that our pupils get smaller in the light and bigger in the dark. This is the pupillary light response.
They claim that the size of the pupils tells us a lot about the emotions and intentions of their owners.
According to the researchers, the pupillary light response isn’t just a mechanical reaction to ambient light. Rather, as we shift our gaze from one spot to another, our pupils adjust their size in advance to the amount of light we expect to encounter at the new location.
Consider working at a computer: Most of the time, our gaze is fixed on the bright screen, so our pupils are contracted. But every now and then, we glance down at the keyboard, as when we need to reposition our fingers. The authors of the article claim that the pupils begin to dilate even before the downward eye movement begins. Because the pupillary light response is relatively slow—about a quarter of a second—anticipating the amount of light at the new location improves vision once our gaze gets there. (All of this, of course, operates below the level of consciousness.)
The pupillary light response is only one reason why the pupils change size. They also dilate when we’re aroused. The body has an alarm network called the autonomic nervous system that prepares us to take action whenever we detect a threat—or an opportunity—in our environment.
Encounter a bear while walking through the woods, and your autonomic nervous system goes on alert. Your heart and breath rates increase, you begin to sweat as your muscles tense up, and, among other bodily reactions, your pupils dilate. The autonomic nervous system prepares your body to take action against the threat—perhaps scampering up the nearest tree.
Project 365 2017 Redreaming Extinction Series. A Celebration of Living. .January 1st 2017
A 'New Year' a new canvas of living and experiencing our lives and the world. One of the things I am returning to is Project 365 - and image a day for a year. Recording a bit of the day for a year to keep me on my toes and producing and finding time for myself, my passion and my art and myself to redream.
The most revealing thing about my learning in the last year was catching myself putting my personal desires last in a long litany of busyness. Now i am conscious of that it is easier to choose more thoughtfully what i am doing with my time. One of the things i truly enjoy is sharing my images and the things in the day that catch my heart and mind and eyes with my camera.
Here is the first. What caught my eye were the shadows . Without light there can be no shadow and without the direct sunlight this image would not exist. It has been very gray and monotone light wise for many weeks and so the joy i felt in seeing the shadow of the tree branches on the snow was a joyful arresting moment for me, It caused a pause in the day to just BE.
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